Twine Ornament Garland
I almost didn’t write this post, because it seems too simple, but I really loved the way it turned out and decided to share it anyway. It is no secret I love to shop for decorations. I am definitely a seasonal decorator and would say most of my spending goes towards home décor and projects, but there are times when I find something in a store and decide I just will NOT pay that price for it. I found the cutest twine ornament garland when my Mom and I were in Canton, but the price just seemed insane for twine and ornaments – soI decided to make my own twine ornament garland and not only was it super simple and cheap, but it turned into a fun little project.
TwineOrnament Garland
All you need for this is twine and mini ornaments. I loved the pink and gold color combo, but choose any colors you want! I bought the ornaments for 50% off at Michael’s in a tube. The amount of ornaments you need will depend on how long you want your garland.
I lined up all of the ornaments in the order I wanted them on the garland. Then tied a loop on one end of the garland and strung them on. I didn’t mind that the ornaments moved around a bit, but if you want them to stay in place you can tie a little knot before and after each ornament to keep them from sliding.
Ta-da! You are finished! This twine ornament garlandwouldbe so cute on your tree, on the mantle, even to dress up a Christmas barcart for a holiday party.
Hope you all are having a great holiday season! Can’t believe Christmas is so close – we still have a couple more Christmas DIY’s coming your way!

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