John and I are HUGE movie/tv show fans! In all honesty, we watch a wholeeeee lot of TV in our spare time. My favorite thing to do is kick back on a Saturday, cuddle up on the couch with John and the pups, and binge watch TV all day long. I know, I know – there are SO many other productive things I could be doing, but I enjoy TV and I enjoy that John and I like to do that together. It is also a way I can disconnect from my job, blogging, and social media. And when done well, great shows pull you into even greater stories and for a couple hours you may be caught up in the love triangle between Lucas, Peyton, and Brooke, having coffee at Central Perk, or wondering who the girl with the yellow umbrella is. (Can anyone relate? And if you know those references, we for sure would be best friends!