Summer Home Tour 2016
Hi! Guess who’s back, back again…OMT’s back, tell a friend! hah! Sorry guys, I literally don’t know where the Eminem remix just came from, but any who! Hope you love the lemon and mixed pattern trend as much as we are in my Summer Home Tour 2016!
Summer Home Tour 2016
When we moved into our new house last year, I got this crazy notion that none of my “stuff” went with our new house! ( yeah, John wasn’t too thrilled about that!) But it was time for a change. Home tours have been so much fun this year, because I have gotten the chance to start over for each season. When starting over for a season, I always look for a focal point that is going to be my “theme.” I literally squealed with joy when I saw these lemon plates! They ended up being the inspiration for all my Summer decor.
I love the lemon plates and ceramic lemon, it will never go out-of-style!
Mixing patterns is my favorite thing to do this season!
This gorgeous striped bowl can be used in the kitchen, coffee table, or on your dining room table! I filled it with lemons. However, when we entertain, I will probably fill it with snacks!
I love incorporating older pieces that have been passed down from my great grandmother ( who may I add, is still fabulous at 91!) I swear she has better fashion style and home decor now than I ever will! She gave me the blue willow vase on the left and I will cherish it always. She has had it for many, many years and I love that the blue willow is back in style now! I also love this frame and mirror from Michael’s! They were a total find and can be used season after season!
I am a sucker for an old window and this boxwood wreath just MADE it! Plus adding the bright, tassel pillows gave it that pop of color I was looking for! Sometimes, it can be hard to incorporate bright colors with a more “fixer upper” feel style. These pillows were just the right amount of color for that area.
Staying true to the lemon theme..gotta serve up some lemonade and show off these adorable glasses from Ikea!
Can’t go wrong with Sunflowers for the table! They are my go-to flowers when wanting to brighten the house up.
Obviously, I have a thing for these pillows! I wanted to add a little color to my all white office – they did just the trick!
Thank you so much for checking out our Summer Home decor! What Summer trend are you loving right now?
Sticking with the lemon theme, we are over at Craftaholics Anonymous showing you step-by-step how to make this Summer wreath!

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