Let’s Binge Watch Something
John and I are HUGE movie/tv show fans! In all honesty, we watch a wholeeeee lot of TV in our spare time. My favorite thing to do is kick back on a Saturday, cuddle up on the couch with John and the pups, and binge watch TV all day long. I know, I know – there are SO many other productive things I could be doing, but I enjoy TV and I enjoy that John and I like to do that together. It is also a way I can disconnect from my job, blogging, and social media. And when done well, great shows pull you into even greater stories and for a couple hours you may be caught up in the love triangle between Lucas, Peyton, and Brooke, having coffee at Central Perk, or wondering who the girl with the yellow umbrella is. (Can anyone relate? And if you know those references, we for sure would be best friends!
Let’s Binge Watch Something
Last weekend webinge watched every Fast and the Furious movie! Mostly because we have a guest(seen in this post) staying with us this month and he had NEVER seen them. WHHHHATTTT??? I don’t even know how that is possible, but we couldn’t let him leave until he watched all seven of them! (he loved them btw!)
Before we start listing our favorite shows to binge watch, the setup has to be perfect. And by setup I mean the temperature in the house has to be set low, the lights turned out, you need an overabundance of pillows and blankets and most of all….Snacks. We thought we would share some of our favorite binge watching snacks. Popcornopolis is our FAVORITE popcorn. We found them once at a Bucee’s (best gas station ever located in Texas) and now we always stop there just to get the cupcake popcorn flavor.
But looking online we saw that they also have a ton of other flavors that we wanted to try out. We got a little crazy and tried the Peanut Butter Cup, Cheddar Cheese, and Cinnamon Bun. Each one is extremely delicious and addicting. You know what they say “Once you POP(cornopolis), you can’t stop.” If that’s not a real saying it should be.
We also like to add a little bit of candy into our popcorn! Don’t judge, we have weaknesses people.
Lindsey’s Bowl: Cupcake popcorn, cheddar cheese, Sour Patch Kids, & Sour Worms.
John’s Bowl:Cupcake popcorn, Peanut Butter popcorn, Cinnamon Bun popcorn, topped with reese pieces and snow caps.
Now that you have basically created a cave with turning the lights out, getting pillows and blankets, getting the air just right and gathering your snacks,… let’s binge watch something! I love movies, but I am more into TV shows. So, I will be covering all my favorite TV shows. (in no particular order, because I. JUST. CAN’T put that kinda of pressure on myself to rank them hah! It would be like asking who your favorite child was, sure you may have one, but you sure as heck won’t say it out loud. They are all so GOOD, so I had to majorly condense this list – because we would be here for YEARS and we would rather be spending that time watching TV instead of listing.
- Sons of Anarchy
- Game of Thrones
- The Walking Dead
- Grey’s Anatomy
- Gilmore Girls
- Friends
- The Vampire Diaries
- Prison Break (ONLY Season 1)
- How I Met Your Mother
- The Office
- Lost
- Sex and the City
- One Tree Hill
- Parenthood
- Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch
- New Girl
- Suits
What are your favorite TV Shows to binge watch? Are you a popcorn or sweets fan or both, like us? Let us know in the comments below!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

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