Halloween Movie Mix
Fall kicks off my favorite time of the year. I love the whole stretch of months from October to December. In those months we getcooler weather, fall festivals, football, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yes friends, this is the best time of the year and part of what makes it so great is that each of us have such great memories of this time as kids and such fun yearly traditions. For us one tradition we have is holiday movies. Every year for each holiday we have movies that we watch as a part of the that season but I thought I couldn’t just share a Halloween movie list without a Halloween Movie Mix to go with it.
Halloween Movie Mix
I was just recently introduced to this thing called “muddy buddies” and its my new favorite movie snack, I know don’t snack shame me for just now finding these glorious powdered chex-mix goodies. At the store I found some that had peanut butter inside and that sparked an idea to go monster snack crazy and combine all these candies into the ultimate Halloween Movie Mix.
- Chex Mix Muddy Buddy peanut butter and chocolate mix
- Reeces Pieces
- Reece’s Mini white chocolate peanut butter cups
- Reece’s Mini peanut butter cups
- Candy corn
- Salted caramel roasted peanuts
- Open all the candy
- Combine all ingredients into a bowl
- Eat all of it
Halloween Movie List: (in no particular order)
- Ghostbusters
- Beetlejuice
- The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
- Hocus Pocus
- Monster House
- Halloweentown
- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
- Hotel Transylvania
- The Nightmare before Christmas
- The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (my personal favorite)
Do you have any great fall snack ideas? Or what about a favorite Fall/Halloween movie? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for stopping by and Happy Fall or as some have named this time of year… HalloThanksMas.

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