Comfy & Casual
This outfit has been on REPEAT since our Europe trip last month ( I can’t believe it has literally been a month as of today – where did the time go?!) I wore this in London and it was super comfortable and effortless. I am all about outfits like this that are comfy & casual, while still being cute!
Comfy & Casual
This vest has giant pockets on the inside that I LOVE. I could fit my phone in it 🙂
DRESS (No longer on website, similar) | VEST | NECKLACE | SHOES ( Affiliate Link)
Photography by: Bree Pair
Sorry this post was short and sweet! John and I took blog photos tonight and then said “oh, let’s just watch one show….” that never really happens. Several shows later and here I am at almost midnight working on this post haha! But anyways, you can see a sneak peak of tonights blog photos & a confused/sad rant on MTV the Challenge Rivals Finale on Snapchat (Our Messy Table) or on the new Instagram stories!
Thanks so much for stopping by!

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