We’re John and Lindsey Lyons. Together we created Our Messy Table blog. On OMT, we share home decor, recipes, diy crafts, things that inspire us, our favorite hobbies, as well as glimpses of our life and travel adventures together. We believe that life happens at a messy table. Whether it’s sharing a meal, hosting a game night, working on a DIY project, or just having great conversations over a cup of coffee with a friend, we have found our best memories tend to happen around a table. To put it simply, our vision for Our Messy Table is to be an outlet and a motivator for us to share, create, decorate, design, voice dreams, and document all aspects of life’s messy adventures – which we hope in turn will inspire you to do the same!
Welcome to Our Messy Table!


For the time being, it is just the two of us, oh and our two Maltese pups – Lambeau and Sully. John and I have been married five years and live in The Woodlands, TX (not far outside of Houston.) We are two Texans with a serious case of wanderlust, coffee drinkers, Jesus followers, procrastinators, & DIYer’s. While we both manage the blog in our spare time, full-time, John also works for Young Life and I work as a Marketing Director.
About Lindsey (Me):
From me, you can expect to see a ton of posts on decorating ideas, seasonal home tours, diy crafts, entertaining, monthly style posts and cocktail recipes! I am also OMT’s certified taste-tester, photographer, and am the person behind our IG,FB, Twitter, and Snapchat!
About John:
He is pure awesomeness – and no I am not just saying that because I am his wife 😉 John is an amazing artist, learning photographer, writer, die-hard Packer fan, and the only one of us who was blessed with some sort of cooking skills (so obviously, all the recipes on the blog – will be coming from him!) His personality and adventurous spirit help push me out of my comfort zone and try new things. (Otherwise, my hermit self would be lounging watching Netflix!) John will be bringing to the table– delicious recipes, DIY project, travel and a lot of posts about coffee!
Meet Lambeau & Sully:
The Pups: Lambeau & Sully

To complete our little family, we have Lambeau and Sully. (Remember when I said John is a die-hard Packer fan? – Hence the name Lambeau!) We call him Beau for short. Beau is the grumpiest little 10 pound pup you will ever meet. Instead of barking, he communicates through grumbling. He is so vocal and will definitely tell you when he is not happy. I love his honest little personality. Then we have, Sully- my sweet little pup. I have never had such a sweet spirited dog before. These two little guys have added so much adventure, joy, and love to our lives.
We would love to see what you are up too! Use our Hashtags below, so we can follow along!
Our Messy Table Hashtags:
What’s In a Name? & How We Chose Ours:
It took us awhile before we settled on a blog name, because we feel that our name defines who we are and what we are about. We chose Our Messy Table, because we ultimately feel that life happens at a messy table and that real life can be messy and imperfect. We are learning to embrace the messiness and that is it is okay! Since the bottom of our table is rarely seen & – we almost always have some sort of craft project, food tasting, or have friends gathered around our table, the name just seemed to fit us perfectly!

Thank you so much for supporting us and Our Messy Table!